Waheeda Rehman

15 Park Avenue
15 Park Avenue
An exploration of the impact of schizophrenia on a young woman and her family in today's Calcutta. The narrative pivots around the relationship of two sisters, older sister Anjali is a successful professor with a powerful personality. She is the anchoring rock for her family and carer for her sister Meethi whose progression into schizophrenia has been speed ed up ...
Agua – Water
Agua – Water
La historia transcurre en 1938, en la India colonial, en pleno movimiento de emancipación liderado por Mahatma Gandhi. Se celebra una boda que bien podría ser un entierro: casan a Chuyia (Sarala), una niña de 8 años, con un moribundo que fallece esa misma noche. Se quema su cuerpo en la orilla de un río sagrado y Chuyia se prepara ...